Outsourced Sales: A Strategic Guide for Startups 

Outsourced Sales A Strategic Guide for Startups

Too Many Day Jobs? Are you the founder or leader of a small B2B startup? Is founder-led sales weighing you down, keeping you from other priorities? If you’re like most founders, the only thing you like about sales is when you get to talk about your product or service and what it can do for […]

Founder Led Sales: Qualification 

founder-led sales

The Founder-Sized Hamster Wheel In the early stages of a startup, founders often find themselves wearing multiple hats, with sales being one of the most crucial. Many founders enjoy the opportunity to go out and proselytize their idea. However, after a while, the excitement of potential deals can quickly turn into frustration when leads that […]

Beyond Spam: How Precision Targeting Is Transforming B2B Sales

precision targeting b2b sales

Say it, Don’t Spray it: Spam Karma Edition Effective sales communication has seen profound transformations over the last few years. Gone are the days when businesses could rely solely on high-volume tactics such as cold calling and mass emailing to capture the attention of potential customers. Today, as digital platforms burgeon and the noise of […]

Foreign Expansion: Unlocking Opportunities in the U.S. Market for B2B Tech Startups 

Foreign Expansion b2b tech startups

Red Rover, Red Rover… Would you buy software from, say, Africa? As globalization and technological advancement continue their rapid stride, lesser-developed countries step up as new hubs of innovation. These regions are not only increasing their capacity for innovation but are also developing unique solutions tailored to address both local and global challenges. The U.S. […]

Market Segmentation for Startups: Navigating Common Pitfalls and Best Practices 

Market Segmentation for Startups

Introduction Market segmentation is a fundamental aspect of business strategy, especially for B2B tech startups looking to carve out a niche. Effective segmentation allows startups to focus their sales and marketing, and to tailor their products and services to the needs of specific groups. This enhances marketing efforts and improves customer acquisition and retention. However, […]

Before Hiring Your First Sales Rep at a Startup 

Hiring Your First Sales Rep

Introduction When you’re ready to hire your first sales rep at a startup, it’s a step that signals readiness for growth and a crucial milestone in your journey to generate substantial revenue. The urgency to bring revenue in the door—to fund product development, scale operations, and accelerate growth—is palpable and understandable. However, it’s also a […]

Fast Forward: How Fractional CROs Accelerate Sales 

Fast Forward: How Fractional CROs Accelerate Sales 

The Startup Scramble: Speed is King The startup game is a race against time. Securing funding, building a product, and acquiring customers all need to happen before your rivals do. But revenue generation can often leave young companies stuck in low gear. Hiring a full-time Head of Sales seems like the obvious answer, but it […]

Why Every Early-Stage Tech Startup Needs a Part-Time VP of Sales 

Why Every Early-Stage Tech Startup Needs a Part-Time VP of Sales 

Introduction For early stage startups, the right leadership has a major impact on the company’s trajectory. For early-stage US-based B2B tech startups (or even small-to-medium foreign B2B tech companies looking to penetrate the US market), hiring a part-time VP of Sales—also known as a fractional CRO (Chief Revenue Officer)—can be a game-changer. Here’s why. Understanding […]

Focus is Crucial for Startup Revenue Growth

Startup Revenue Growth

Introduction Here at Reditus, we talk with dozens of startups every week. Achieving stable and sustainable revenue growth is the dream of every one of them. For startups, revenue growth isn’t just about making money; it’s about survival, scalability, and ultimately, achieving their mission. In this blog, I’m going to delve into the importance of […]

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