Unlocking Growth: The Advantages of Outsourced Sales and Marketing for Small B2B Tech Startups 

outsourced sales and marketing

Introduction From disruptive innovations to groundbreaking solutions, startups are at the forefront of driving change and reshaping industries. Yet, amidst the constant innovation, lies the challenge of establishing a foothold in the market. For small B2B tech startups, this journey becomes even more complex, from limited resources and constrained budgets to evolving customer demands and […]

Unveiling Effective B2B SaaS Customer Retention Strategies for Startups

b2b saas customer retention strategies

Introduction In the world of B2B SaaS (Business-to-Business Software as a Service), customer retention is the cornerstone of sustainable growth. For startups in this space, mastering customer retention strategies is not just a choice but a necessity for survival and success. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of B2B SaaS customer retention […]

Is the current generative AI boom just a later generation’s dot-com bubble? 

generative AI boom

Introduction I’m dating myself, but I got my IMBA and re-entered the workforce in 1998—into the software industry. I experienced first-hand how the lead-up to Y2K coupled with the advent of widespread internet usage created a huge boom of irrational behavior in the tech sector in the late 90’s. Today, I speak with a dozen […]

The State of the Fractional Executive Market [Interview]

Fractional Executive Market 

Interview with Joe Buchanan, CEO and Founder of FractionL There’s been a lot of buzz around fractional executives recently. We decided to catch up with Joe Buchanan, Founder and CEO of FractionL, the leading fractional executive placement firm that matches executives with part-time jobs. Joe gave us some background on the industry and its current […]

Hiring Commission-Only Sales Reps: The Good and the Bad 

commission-only sales rep

Introduction We work within the B2B Tech Startup world, and we frequently run into founders and CEO’s that don’t budget for Sales or Marketing. Either they ran out of money building product, thinking their product will be so good it will sell itself, or they thought that they can start off by hiring commission-only sales […]

SaaS Industry Trends for 2024: A Virtual Fireside Chat

SaaS Industry Trends for 2024

by Tim Koopmann, Craig Watkins and Zach Gossin Snow was on the ground in Northern Virginia and Iowa, while South Georgia dipped into the high-20’s. The three Reditus co-founders Tim Koopmann, Craig Watkins and Zach Gossin, took the opportunity to relax indoors and enjoy an informal virtual happy hour while discussing the year ahead. With […]

Conquering the Cloud: A Comprehensive Guide to SaaS Growth Strategies in 2024

saas growth strategy

CONTENTS: Introduction  Understanding Your Foundation: Product-Market Fit and Customer Centricity Marketing Arsenal: Attracting New Users Lead Generation and Nurturing: Fueling the Acquisition Engine Navigating the Complex Sales Cycle: Tailoring Strategies for Success Nurturing the Vine: Engagement and Retention Expanding Your Horizons: Growth Strategies for Different Stage Conclusion Introduction The B2B Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) industry is currently […]

Unlocking Growth: Understanding and Optimizing SaaS Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

SaaS Customer Acquisition Cost

In the dynamic landscape of Software as a Service (SaaS), success is often measured by key performance indicators that reflect a company’s ability to acquire and retain customers. One such crucial metric is the SaaS Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of CAC, exploring what it is, […]

Unlocking Startup Success: Understanding the SaaS Magic Number

Unlocking Startup Success

In the dynamic landscape of startups, founders are constantly navigating a sea of metrics and ratios to ensure their venture’s success. One such critical metric that has become a cornerstone for evaluating a SaaS (Software as a Service) company’s health and growth potential is the “SaaS Magic Number.” In this blog post, we will delve […]

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